NCC® is an exclusive environmental technology that can solve many everyday indoor air and surface contamination problems in the health industry. Traditional passive technologies, such as HEPA, use filtration or electrostatic systems, which remove contaminants. only if and when they travel through the purification unit. These traditional filtration systems can help reduce air pollution to a degree, but they do not reduce surface contamination at all and do not adequately reduce airborne contaminants. Our proprietary NCC® Technology actively targets contaminants in the air and on surfaces, eliminating them on contact.

NCC® Technology

NCC® Technology is derived from NASA Technology as used on the International Space Station. It is the only Based On Research By NASA-certified technology in the world in its class. NCC® Technology utilizes a proprietary hydrophilic photocatalytic coating, consisting of non-nano titanium dioxide with a proprietary combination of additional doping elements to enhance efficiency. Activated by multiple specific wavelengths of ultraviolet light, oxygen, and humidity are extracted from the air to create a host of powerful oxidizers that target surface and air pollution. These oxidizers are extremely effective at destroying bacteria, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other environmental contaminants, and most significantly, they are not harmful to humans, pets, and plants. They are completely safe for indoor use. The key oxidizers created by NCC® Technology are the following:
• Hydrogen Peroxide (H O )
• Hydroxyls (OH-)
• Super Oxides (O -)

  • Hydrogen Peroxide

    A major oxidizer created by NCC® Technology is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which has proven to be effective against indoor pollutants and contaminants on surfaces and in the air. NCC® Technology produces hydrogen peroxide molecules from the oxygen and humidity already present in the air. The hydrogen peroxide molecules are then carried throughout the indoor environment, neutralizing pollutants and contaminants in places that other technologies and filtration systems can’t reach. Because hydrogen peroxide molecules have both positive and negative charges, they are drawn to pollutants and contaminants by the process of electrostatic attraction. Contaminants are then safely broken down into oxygen (O2) and water (H2O) vapor. Hydrogen peroxide is odorless, colorless, and safe to use in occupied spaces. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), exposure to one part per million (1.0~ ppm) of hydrogen peroxide is considered safe throughout the day. NCC® Technology produces only 0.02 ~ 0.04 ppm, well below the OSHA limit.

  • Super Oxides

    Superoxides are oxygen molecules that arise when free hydrogen atoms (H) combine with ozone (O3) and are created in small amounts by nature in the air. When combined, they form the powerful oxidizers oxygen (O2) and hydroxyls (OH-). NCC® Technology utilizes a UVC light source, naturally occurring ozone (O3), humidity, and a photocatalyst to create powerful superoxide that eliminates bacteria, viruses, mold, and other contaminants. This technology is not only safe for human exposure but is significantly more effective at destroying contaminants than simple UV technology alone. In the process of creating superoxide, NCC® actually reduces the amount of ozone (O3) that naturally exists in the air. Super oxides have been utilized for decades in food processing plants, hospitals, and dental and doctor’s offices to control environmental contamination and disinfect safely without chemicals.

  • Ozone

    Ozone (O3) is created naturally by nature and is present in our air and can also be created by man-made technologies. The EPA has determined that ozone at levels over 0.5 ppm may be damaging to health. NCC® Technology has been proven to create only minuscule amounts of ozone, at levels over one thousand times lower than the EPA safeguard levels. Moreover, NCC® Technology converts and lowers naturally occurring ozone as described above, as it creates safe superoxide (O2-) which in turn eliminate harmful pathogens.

  • Product efficacy and testing

    NCC® Technology has consistently proven its ability to safely control and neutralize contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, and VOCs in numerous tests and studies, without harm to humans, animals, and plant life.

  • Hydroxyls

    Another important oxidizer created by NCC® Technology is hydroxyls. Hydroxyls (OH-) are safe, naturally occurring, powerful oxidizers that quickly and safely neutralize many airborne and surface contaminants, odor-causing bacteria, and chemical VOCs. As part of the NCC® process, hydroxyls are formed when an ultraviolet light of specific wavelengths is absorbed by the unit’s proprietary coating. The coating strips the hydrogen (H) atoms from water molecules (H2O) in the ambient air, forming negative hydroxyls (OH-). These hydroxyls break down carbon and hydrogen-based VOCs and other organic contaminants, converting them into harmless carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) vapor. While extremely effective at destroying odors, bacteria, VOCs , and other contaminants, hydroxyls are completely safe for human, animal, and plant exposure indoors. The hydroxyls produced by NCC® Technology are the same as those produced naturally in the earth’s atmosphere by the reaction of UV rays and water vapor and function to safely and naturally “scrub” and decontaminate indoor environments.

  • Based On Research By NASA – Technology Certified

    The Based On Research By NASA Foundation has recognized NCC® and our company for utilizing technologies originally invented for use in space programs to eliminate VOCs and other contaminants and adapting these technologies for everyday use. NCC® Technology is based on a variation of technology originally developed for use by NASA on the International Space Station and is recognized globally as the only Based On Research By NASA Technology in its class. You can only get this technology from us.

  • Extensive laboratory

    testing conducted at Microchem Laboratory in Texas, showed NCC® Technology to be effective against H1N1, Norovirus, MRSA, Staph, E-Coli, Listeria, and more. These university studies have shown that NCC® can reduce as much as 99.999% of surface contaminants within the first 24 hours.

  • Applications

    Our NCC® Technology has been successfully and safely used in hospitals, homes, doctor’s offices, professional sports facilities, and other applications across the world. Should you have any further questions on our technology please feel free to contact us.